Brandon Weiss, 14 year old male with an incomplete spinal cord injury

In May 2013 Brandon Weiss suffered an incomplete spinal cord injury during surgery to correct scoliosis, a medical condition in which the spine is curved from side-to-side. Following this procedure, Brandon slowly gained strength but even so his parents wanted more for him.

On 9-3-2012 young Brandon had a Nova Cell’s treatment using primed adult (nonembryonic) stem cells.  On October 26 his mother, Michelle, shared this with NCIM:

“Brandon has reported involuntary leg movements like kicks and jerks throughout the day over the last couple of weeks here and there, nothing regular.  Brandon got his braces on and stood perfectly for over an hour with no support and no need for constant nagging to stay upright in proper position! This is definitely a new change from 6 months ago.  We tried it again the next night and he did not do nearly as well, but he was sleepy and in a mood. Brandon’s handwriting has gotten MUCH MUCH better recently. Brandon’s writing is now legible and small and neat. I am VERY happy with that!!!”

On 12-8-2012 Michelle sent an email to NCIM stating that….

“His handwriting is much better, the school said about 3 grades better! Brandon was evaluated for PT (Physical Therapy) in September right when we got back from Mexico. We did not start therapy until last week and the therapist said we surpassed the goals of the evaluation by a long shot and that he is MUCH better just in the 3 months since the evaluation!!!”

She added:

“The therapist said Brandon’s braces are way too big and bulky and they want him to get a lumbar brace for his lumbar scoliosis that is forming. She said after we get new braces and he is all set with positioning, he is going to really blossom in therapy! I am really excited for him.”

And, on 5-16-2013, Michelle shared this with NCIM:

“Brandon has more gains. He has gained more strength and definitely more fine motor movement.”

Want to know more about NCIM and its stem cell treatment program for neurologic issues in children and adults? Call NCIM’s US information line at 1-562-916-3410 or email